Chloe Haines – BOF Lagganlia orienteering training camp, Scotland, July 2005

  Thankyou very much for the money that you donated towards my lagganlia trip.It was a great week of training and I felt it benefited my orienteering skills. We did training exercises 3-4 times a day in and around lagganlia. The areas were very technical and made us work hard. At the end of theContinue reading “Chloe Haines – BOF Lagganlia orienteering training camp, Scotland, July 2005”

Hector Haines – Swedish Orienteering competition – 5 day, July 2005

I am writing to thank you for your generous donation toward my O-ringen finances. The O-ringen went very well and I finished in 29th overall out of 250. I managed to improve my racing over the week, peaking on the final day to do the 15th fastest time on the course. This managed to pullContinue reading “Hector Haines – Swedish Orienteering competition – 5 day, July 2005”

John Heneghan – European Mountain Running Trophy, Austria, July 2005

Dear Trustees, Below is a brief report of my recent trip to Austria which was supported by the Jack Bloor Fund; “Unfortunately my trip did not have the smoothest of starts due to the tragic events in London on the 7th July. I was due to travel to London on this day where I wouldContinue reading “John Heneghan – European Mountain Running Trophy, Austria, July 2005”

Amy Louise McGivern – British and Irish fell championships in Ireland, October 2005

My Trip to Ireland  I am writing this letter to send my thanks for giving me the opportunity to  go to Ireland and compete in the home international it was a fantastic  experience.  The journey was a very long one but I still enjoyed it. We travelled to Wales  from Penrith which took quite aContinue reading “Amy Louise McGivern – British and Irish fell championships in Ireland, October 2005”