Chloe Haines – BOF Lagganlia orienteering training camp, Scotland, July 2005


Thankyou very much for the money that you donated towards my lagganlia trip.It was a great week of training and I felt it benefited my orienteering skills. We did training exercises 3-4 times a day in and around lagganlia. The areas were very technical and made us work hard. At the end of the week we had some tour champs. I came 3rd in the classic race, 5th in the sprint but I’m not sure what I came in the middle. I liked the 1 man relay because we got to race against the coaches and it was helpful in the way of improving concentration when in a gaffed relay. We also got to jump in the river afterwards. Overall a great week and I really enjoyed it.
I have attached a picture of everyone that was at lagganlia- coaches included.

Thanks again
Chloe Haines
