Lova Chechik – Orienteering training camp to Scotland

Firstly, I have to give a big thank you to the Jack Bloor fund for making this trip a reality. But it all started with a bit of last minute packing, I
set off out of York train station, on a train to Edinburgh. Then about half of us met up, at the station, some going to Lagganlia (like me) others to Badaguish. We all took the same train to Aviemore; but some of us had to squeeze in, as it was tight for spaces, but none of us cared, as we were all excited. At last, we arrived, and unpacked, with our newly made friends.

Then it was a week of tightly packed training, with loads of fun, learning, and competitions involved. But with a surprise visit with Raven in the middle of it. Then came the races, to prove that we had learnt a lot during that week, unfortunately, my runs didn’t exactly do that, but I still know that I have learnt a lot more that I ever have in any other week in my life. Hopefully, I will be able to prove my improvement in large races next year.

Thanks again for the funding.